Day: March 8, 2016

Getting Crafty For Easter

Parenting in the age of social media can be a bit overwhelming.  On Facebook I am of the age where many of my Facebook friends have kids.  Besides the funny things kids do, most posts are saying how great their child is.  Not many parents are posting about the horrible things their child has done. In addition, you get pushed the views of some parents.  So scrolling through you can feel like people have a perfect life and a perfect child (because of what they post) and also feel judged (or judge others) by what gets posted.  It can be a lot to take in.

Then there is Pinterest.  Here you see all of these wonderful things; recipes, crafts, decorating, DIY. While scrolling through I feel excited and motivated to be this amazing person and mom doing all of these things.  The percentage of things I have “pinned” to what I have actually completed it pretty small.

A few weeks ago I saw a suggested link on Facebook called “Easter Egg Potato Stamping Craft for Kids”.  I saved the link thinking it would be something fun to do with my 2 year old daughter. Realistically, I was thinking this is another thing to save that I wouldn’t actually do because who has time for this stuff.  This post is our journey through this project, I made the time for my daughter.

All you need to complete this project is:

  • Potatoes (could be those ones sitting on your counter growing eyes)
  • Washable paints
  • Paper
  • Paint brush (not required but can be helpful)