Day: October 23, 2015

Pick-Your-Own Apples Discount

Bishop’s Orchards is happy to report that the cooler temperatures we have been experiencing, have NOT effected our apple orchards in a large scale. Our fields are still very plentiful and picking could last through to November 1st. We want you to pick until we are picked out! With that being said, starting TODAY, we are offering an End of the Season Pick Your Own Apple Discount!!

PYO 20% Apples


WHEN YOU PICK 40lbs OF APPLES OR MORE (approx. 2 half bushel bags)

Bring everyone; your friends, family, children, ANYONE, and head over to stock up on locally grown Apples. Hours will remain 10am-5pm at all locations, until the end of the season. We are currently picking our later varieties, which are more versatile for eating, cooking, baking, etc. Check out our Pinterest Page for amazing seasonal recipes for all produce, including Bishop’s Own Apples. Stayman Apples are great for apple pies, even when freezing pre-made pie filling. Mutsu apples make a fantastic apple sauce or apple butter. All varieties are delicious as is but some favorites for eating are Fuji, Golden Delicious, and Braeburn. Varieties vary at all Pick-Your-Own locations and are subject to availability, so please call 203-458-PICK before heading out. Orchard locations may be found here. Listed below are varieties available:

Main Orchard in Guilford (Weekends only): Stayman, Fuji, Ida Red, Golden Delicious, Jonagold, and Braeburn.

Small Orchard in Guilford (Weekdays only): Mutsu, Jonagold, Fuji, Braeburn, Empire, Golden Delicious, Ida Red, and Stayman.

Orchard in Northford (Weekends only):Stayman, Rome, Fuji, Golden Delicious, Red Delicious, Mutsu, Empire, and Braeburn.

Thank you all for another amazing PYO Season! For more information, visit our Pick Your Own Page.