Here on the farm we are always busy. This season has been a little tougher than most as we seem to always be working to get everything done in between rainy weather. The rain can be a blessing while also a curse. Large amounts of rain have kept us from needing to irrigate, but we are having to work around wet grounds, with equipment getting stuck. Some of our vegetable crops had an issue setting due to the rain, so we had to replant. Our own squash and peppers were some of those crops.
For well-established crops, the rain is great to have, especially in our strawberry fields. We have lots of berries coming into the farm market and pick your own has been able to sustain plenty of hours. With a later variety called Malwina, we expect for strawberry picking to last into July. Our blueberry crop is coming in strong and healthy, with the second week of July looking to be opening day for pick your own. This year’s crop should last into early September. Peach thinning in the orchard continues to go well.
Our early plants like kale and peas are doing well, with some already being used in our CSA program. Tomatoes will be coming into the farm market soon, with grape and cherry tomato pints always being a favorite. Other produce to look out for that are Bishop’s own are sweet potatoes, carrots, beets, and brussels sprouts. These are all now in the ground and handling all this rain well.